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Assistant Professor
Y6422 Yeung Kin Man Bldg

News & Travel

- ACM CHI, Yokohama, Japan
- Co-organizing GBA Pre-CHI Forum @CityUHK, call for participation!

Two papers accepted to CHI '25

Talk at IST@Penn State, USA

I'm a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researcher, currently an assistant professor appointed by the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong since 2022.

My research seeks to enhance individuals' everyday health and well-being through unlocking the potential of ubiquitous computing technologies. I build multimodal systems (e.g., speech interfaces, chatbots) to support self-tracking, design interventions to encourage health behaviors, and explore opportunities for utilizing personal data in healthcare contexts.

Short bio: I received my Ph.D. in Information Studies from University of Maryland in 2022 (advised by Dr. Eun Kyoung Choe), MS in Information Science and Technology from Penn State in 2017, and BEng in Computer Science from Southeast University in 2015, respectively. I was a UX researcher intern at Meta (People Engineering) in 2020 and Google (Android Developer Platform) in 2019.

[Google Scholar]

Prospective students: please checkout the lab page.

Active Projects

Human-AI interaction for wellbeing
• Health: [chi25-chatlab] [chi20-tandemtrack]
• Productivity: [chi24-stayfocused]
Multimodal interaction in personal informatics
• Gesture: [chi24-emotion]
• Speech: [iss22-notewordy] [dis21-foodscrap] [chi20-tandemtrack]


Student Research Competition Co-Chair: ACM CHI 2025
Publication Co-Chair: ACM DIS 2023—2024
Associated Chair (AC) in Program Committee: CHI 2023—2025, CSCW 2023, CHI 2019 LBW
Reviewer: ACM CHI 2019—2025, IMWUT 2018—2024, CSCW 2021—2025, DIS 2021, IDC 2020; ACM Transactions on human-computer interaciton (TOCHI) 2021; JMIR 2020—2021, AIMA 2019